Monday, January 9, 2012

Brady Charles Allen- Year In Review 2011

Brady Charles Allen

aka: "B-ball"
to Daddy, he is "Brady-Bob"

Brady is one cool kid! He is loving and tender most of the time. He loves to show his love by giving hugs and kisses on the lips. The sweetest thing is to see his little lips pucker up to kiss you which he does quite often to most everyone he knows.

He is very laid back. He needs quite a bit of rest time and alone time to regroup. We call it his "me" time and needs a lot of it. Once his "me" time is up he is back in the game though.

We are discovering that he may be our outdoors man. He is very interested in hunting and fishing and anything outside. He likes sports ok...but he LOVES fishing and hunting. We will see what happens with that. Daddy has a fishing trip planned for him this coming weekend :)

Just like last year, he still follows close behind Luke in everything he says and does. Luke is a HUGE influence in his life. He loves his "Bubba" and would do anything in the world for him.

As for Owen, Brady loves him so much and is very proud of him and his new accomplishments. However, from time to time, I can see that he sees his as the typical "little brother". All in all though, he loves his O-dawg. Now that Luke is in school all day and it's just Owen & Brady at home they are learning how to play together and have become a lot more close.

Brady has so many strengths. He is an all around good kid, really. But, we are focusing on him not being so temperamental. He is very emotional and dramatic if he doesn't get his way which drives me crazy. We are raising boys here! Not girls! (forgive me for saying that b-ball)

One of my favorite parts of his personality at this point is his imagination. He can tell a story like none other. He may make up half of the story, but he sure does make it sound real. Last night he told our Allen side of the family that I ran over Daddy with the car while he was playing basketball (this never happened), but I am pretty sure he had most of the family believing him for a while. He is as funny as can be when he tells his stories.

I love you so much Brady! Continue to grow and blossom just as you are and keep being you!

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