Monday, June 13, 2011

Brady Allen= Austin Bound

Friday night Brady headed out for his first out of town trip without us. He went with Yaya, Saw & Steph to Aunt Sheryl's 50th birthday celebration in Austin. He was REALLY excited for this trip because it seems like lately Bubba has been getting to do a lot of "big boy" things lately that Bball has been left out of, so this was just what he needed ;)

All packed up and ready to go. He brought some movies for the car ride, some toys, snacks, and mommy's camera so I could see how much fun he had.

Brady & the birthday girl.

Swimming with Uncle Saw.

Chillin' with Mamaw.

My new favorite picture of Brady & Papaw.

and Brady & Steph

As I mentioned earlier, I sent my camera for Brady to take some pictures while he was there. Among the MANY that he took, these were a few that made the blog cut.
check out Brady's amazing photography skills!

Pretty picture of the sky, an umbrella, & the roof.

Half of Papaw.

Uncle Johnny.

Saw & Steph. (someone else may have actually taken this picture, but I am just gonna give Brady credit)

Thank you Yaya for inviting Brady!
Funny story:

On the way to Austin, Yaya pulled a trailer that carried Papi's motorcycle. They were taking it to Austin so that Aunt Sheryl could sell it for them. Brady could not understand why they were doing this, so Yaya explained to him that Papi had an accident on his motorcycle so they were gonna sell it. After a brief pause for Brady to think that over- he replied "why did Papi pee pee on his motorcycle?" With all of the recent potty training going on in his world, when you say accident that's immediately what he thinks. Funny!

Brady also enjoyed some time with his cousins Mason, Cody, & Hayden. Here are him & Hayden doing what Brady loves best...mowing!

That night, Brady fell asleep in the car on the way home. When they got back to the house- he stayed asleep through an entire shower and redress into Pj's. He must have been completely played out from all of the fun!

What a great first trip away from home!

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