Monday, April 27, 2009

The Culprit...

Last week Brady's sleeping patterns were an absolute nightmare. Three nights in a row he screamed all night long. It was so bad that I took him in to the doctor to see if there was something wrong with him. NOPE! Nothing wrong, just possibly cutting teeth...
This is what I found Saturday:

His third tooth came in! It is on top and a little to the right.

Cutting teeth is MUCH more dramatic for Brady than it was with Luke. My goodness- I seriously thought something was terribly wrong with him last week! No- just a tooth! BRADY!!!


The Littles said...

Lorelai is also not a happy teether. Only a combination of those teething tablets and orajel does the trick (I reserve the tylenol for only the worst few days and nighttime, otherwise she would chug the bottle!) Atleast now you know why! :)

the REAL cozby show said...

i beleive the same thing is happening to hunter. he cried for a week straight and i looked in his mouth yesterday and there is a white spot on his lower gums.