Friday, May 21, 2010

Brady's New Room

A few weeks ago, we decided it was time for Brady to say goodbye to his baby nursery & hello to a new "big boy" room. For now, he does still sleep in his baby crib- not sure when we are going to take the plunge into a big boy bed...

Brady LOVES dogs, but we didn't want to do the entire room in dogs. So, we decided to just put a few pictures up of dogs that way we can change them out later if he changes his mind. The above picture is hanging right above his bed. A lady at our church painted it for him. The first time he saw it there he just laughed & said "Momma! Dog!!!" it was priceless.


Summer said...

So cute!!!!!! I can't wait to see it in person! LOVE the color combinations!

Charlene said...

You are truly amazing! Love his new room :)