Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thankgiving Feasts 2011

It just so happened that both schools that the three of my kids attend planned all three of their Thanksgiving Feasts at the same time. I got the news last week and started to panic. Thankfully, we have both sets of grandparents close- but originally, The Allen set of grandparents were going to be out due to Papi's shoulder surgery.

I know, I am kinda weird about that, but it is really important to me to make it to their school functions. It all worked out fine and I was able to make it to both schools and have a great time with all of them.

Caleb worked from home today, so he was able to meet me at Luke's lunch first. Good thing he stopped at ChickFila first....cafeteria turkey & dressing is very...interesting.

Then, it was time to head over to Brady's feast. We had asked Grammy & Papa to be there just in case I didn't make it in time which was really nice. I think he really enjoyed having them there too. His school served fried chicken strips, corn, french fries, rolls, & chocolate pudding. (we joked that it was the typical preschool feast- which was so perfect!)

Brady's potato turkey place card looked amazing ;)

I headed over to Owen's class just in time too! He was eating his pudding when I got there. Sadly though, I forgot my camera when I went to see him :( He was having a blast and was covered in chocolate!

Owen & Brady's place mats. Oh how I love preschool laminated place mats.

On the back of Brady's place mat, he was to say what he was thankful for...very sweet that he picked Yaya!

As a mommy, I could not be more thankful to have those three boys and be able to share their special moments like today with them. My heart smiles on days like today!

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