Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Our Week So Far...

We've had a good week thus far...we are finalizing our Summer Fun List and trying to make sure we have everything marked off. One of the last things on the list was to go to the movies, so we did that earlier in the week. It was Brady's first trip to the movies.

He liked the movie- It was a Veggie Tale Pirate movie, but he was NOT so great at sharing his popcorn :(

Luke & Madi on their first movie date (supervised of course)

In Other News...

Notice anything about this picture (besides Brady being silly)....OWEN! He is sitting in a big boy car seat! Oh! I love changing babies to face forward in their car seats. They get so happy! Especially Owen, because I know this whole time he has been wondering why he had to face backwards and the other boys got to face forwards.

Then today...

We celebrated at Alex's birthday party!

I am being a little more lenient with Owen's bottle at this point because he has been doing so good sleeping all night and going to sleep on his own. I figure I still have a month until he turns one and then I will take the bottle away completely.

If you could only hear Brady yell "cannonball" as he jumps in! Even though this really isn't a cannonball, he still says it EVERY single time he jumps on or into anything. Funny boy!

Mom & Owen

A happy little swimmer! Yep, we swam for 3 hours today and Owen hung in there the entire time. He is getting to be such a big boy lately!

Luke & Alex (the birthday boy)

Luke with Diamond the horse.

Fun week so far! Tomorrow Luke & I are gonna finish up his school clothes shopping because he starts Kindergarten in two weeks :/

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