Friday, August 28, 2009

Brady: One Year Check Up

Weight: 23 lbs
Height: 31.25 inches

Brady checked out to be Aok! He got three shots today and one toe stick. None were fun, but he did survive! Dr. Decker gave me some helpful tips on how to get Brady off the bottle since he REFUSES to drink milk from a sippy cup. So, we will be working on that within the next few weeks. I want to be sure not to throw to many adjustments his way right now though since he just started Mother's Day Out.

I must say that Luke was a champ today while we were at the doctor's office. He was so good in the waiting room (1.5 hrs) and was very polite to the nurses and doctor. He even got a flu shot and was very brave! I was extremely proud of Luke today. His behavior was exceptional!

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