Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Ok- Lately I have felt like we are getting absolutely NOWHERE! We have been trying the cry out thing in the middle of the night with Brady so he will stop waking up at night... Well, Sunday night he screamed in his bed for an hour and fourty five minutes- then I just finally gave him a bottle... I guess his will was stronger than mine. I haven't made him cry out since- I just can't afford to loose that kind of sleep at night.
My only fear about this is that he will just get into a habit of waking up to eat at night when he doesn't really need to anymore. I don't know what to do with this little kid- Luke slept through the night at 6 weeks and never looked back.

Then- yesterday I decided to start potty training Luke. He did ok yesterday evening & today at school, but as soon as he got home from school it all went downhill. He had five accidents in an hour and it wasn't because I didn't take him to the potty enough- I did- he just wouldn't go.
So, we are back in diapers...

I just feel like these two things are completely out of my control & I hate that. I can usually do pretty good once I get my mind set on something, but on these things I feel like a failure.


Nicki W. said...

be easy on yourself--we have all been there in one way or another.
consider that he may be teething. i know tristan slept thru the night early, but anytime a tooth was near, he was up crying for long bouts. just keep trying the cry method and check on him periodically. it will work!
also, you are ahead of me on potty training, BUT i hear with boys especially, it takes a lot of time and patience! just be diligent and annoying! ask him more than you think you should...i think they pee in weird spurts so they need to go more often.
mainly, just hang in there...you always know what you are doing!

Jodi said...

Angie- it is actually good to hear the Queen of mothering gripe about things every once in a while!! Hang in there with the potty training...in some way or another we got potty trained right?! Love ya