A good teacher friend of mine recently gave me a list of the learning objectives every 3 year old should know. Thankfully, Luke has mastered most of them, but there are a few more we are still working on. His teacher this year, Mrs. Alissa, does an amazing job with him so I think together we will have him ready for PreK-4 next year (as I wipe my tears).
Here they are...
- matching two halves of a picture- got it!
- copy simple lines patterns- got it!
- follow a two step command- got it!
- count to ten- got it!
- count objects in one to one correspondence- working on it :)
- patterns- working on it :)
- same & different- got it!
- basic colors- got it!
- basic shapes- got it!
- locate own name in print- got it!
- identify letters in own name- working on it :)
- proper use of scissors- working on it :)